
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments  Ayurveda is the science of life, it is the art of living life. Ayurveda is complete up of two words Ayu and Veda Ayur means life. Life and Veda means knowing, knowing the color of life is called Ayurveda. Ayurvedic System of Medicine Ayurveda = Ayar + Veda = Science of Life +  Knowledge at Science.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments

1 . Reduce your stress and anxiety levels . Since stress, especially when it develops chronic and difficult to manage, is linking  to all aspects of health, Ayurvedic medicine uses various natural techniques to try to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms. And, consequently, reduce cortisol levels in the body.

  1. Helps keep cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control. Studies have shown that adaptive nutrition, relaxation techniques, and herbal medicine can lower levels of inflammation, reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevent plaque buildup within artery walls – even block the hardening that causes atherosclerosis, both in healthy adults and those at risk for heart disease.
  2. Decreases inflammation: A poor diet, especially in nutrients and vitamins, poor digestion, insufficient sleep and breathing cause oxidative stress or inflammation. This is also produce by an imbalance in the metabolism, or in other words, of the three dosha. Ayurvedic medicine uses different systems to try to reduce inflammation by regulating the cardiovascular, digestive, and excretory systems. By regulating many factors, including stress, food intolerances, and nutrient deficiencies, many people are able to lower levels of inflammation, increase their energy level, and speed up the healing process.
  3. Helps to recover health faster after illness or hospitalization . It is proven that inflammation is the cause of many diseases. For this reason, Ayurveda, by reducing inflammation, can also eliminate pain and swelling, improve blood circulation and thus relieve difficult and chronic diseases, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Ayurvedic medicine also allows you to strengthen the immune system through holistic practices, such as nutrition and natural remedies. It promotes the use of herbs and spices, either in meals or in various preparations such as tisanes and herbal supplements

Basic Principles Of Ayurveda

Although Ayurvedic principles help us to explain the difficulty of health, they also serve to identify the world around us. Its basic concepts are simple and become the basic elements of everything else.

Let’s meet several of them:

  • Ayurveda’s fundamental approach to wellness is that a unique state of balance must be achieving  for our entire being: body, mind, and spirit.
  • Ayurveda sees the world in light of three constitutional principles or Dohas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha (Explained in detail later)
  • The first line of defense in fighting imbalances is to remove the reason of the problem . If the problem is identified outside of the individual, the body begins to be able to heal itself. For example, if contaminants are irritating the nasal passages and sinuses, a traditional Ayurvedic remedy involves irrigations with the neti pot or neti pot.
  • If there are remaining imbalances after removing the cause of the irritation, balance is creates using opposites. For example, the Ayurvedic remedy for excessive burning is something cold. Thus, for excess heat or acidity in the digestive system, cooling and calming herbs such as Shatavari can be uses.
  • The “digestive fire” must always be supported, thanks to which nutrients can be absorbing  and waste elements eliminates.

Ayurveda Remedies

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments – Ayurveda offers a number of ways to balance doshas and find wellness . The key is to find stability with a holistic approach: directing the mind, body and spirit .

Ayurvedic remedies are based on:

  • Diet modifications
  • Lifestyle and activity settings
  • herbal supplements
  • Yoga, Pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation
  • Marma (Energetic Pressure Points)
  • The cleansing processes ,

Why Is It Done?

Ayurveda Medicine has many benefits for multiple diseases and health problems,  relieving symptoms and improving quality of life . In fact, Ayurveda Medicine focuses its objective on treating the patient, not the disease. In addition, it is a preventive medicine that tries to avoid the appearance of serious diseases.

However, it has great benefits in reducing symptoms in patients with the following pathologies:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • fibromyalgia
  • migraines
  • Alzheimer
  • Parkinson
  • Chronic diseases
  • Asma
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis

 Preparation For Ayurveda Medicine

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments – Ayurveda Medicine  does not require any special preparation  prior to the sessions.

Care After The Intervention

Ayurveda Medicine allows to  improve the quality of life of people , so that the patient must  integrate in his life the Ayurvedic principles  personalize to his specific case. Therefore, care after the intervention consists of living, modifying habits and changing them to Ayurvedic ones, to improve well-being.


Ayurveda Medicine is a complete system of traditional medicine that views health as more than just the absence of disease. However, ayurveda defines the Ayuh life as the intelligent coordination of our four parts: the soul, the mind, the senses and the body, with the totality of nature and the cosmos.